Hen House

Hen House Grocery match ups 1/22-1/28

hen house


You can view the complete weekly Hen House ad HERE. PLUS don’t forget that the Hen House will double your coupons up to $0.50 each.  Print and/or read the coupon policy HERE.

Betty Crocker Mashed Potatoes, $0.80
$0.50/1 Betty Crocker Boxed Potatoes, exp. 2/8/14 (SS 12/15/13)
$0.75 off TWO Ultimate Betty Crocker Potatoes
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Boxed Potatoes, exp. 2/8/14 (SS 12/15/13 R)
$0.75/2 Betty Crocker Ultimate Potatoes, Ultimate Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper or Ultimate Chicken Helper Home Cooked Skillet Dish, exp. 3/8/14 (SS 01/12/14)
$0.75/2 Betty Crocker Ultimate Betty Crocker Potatoes, Ultimate Hamburger Helper or Ultimate Chicken Helper (SavingStar Deposit)
Final Cost: as low as FREE after double

Birdseye Vegetables, $2.00
$1.50/1 Birds Eye Recipe Ready, exp. 3/9/14 (SS 01/12/14)
$1/1 Birdseye Recipe Ready Item printable
$0.75/1 Birds Eye Recipe Ready, exp. 2/1/14 (SS 11/03/13 R)
$1/1 Birds Eye Recipe Ready, exp. 3/9/14 (SS 01/12/14 R)
Final Cost:  as low as $0.50

New York Brand Texas Toast Croutons, $1.00
$0.75/1 New York Brand Texas Toast Croutons or Tortilla Strips, exp. 2/28/14 (ALL YOU Dec ’13)
Final Cost: $0.25 

Daisy Small Curd Cottage Cheese, $1.49
$0.50/1 Daisy Cottage Cheese, exp. 3/31/14 (SS 01/12/14 R)
Final Cost: $0.49

Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides, $1.00
$0.50/2 Knorr Pasta or Rice Side, exp. 2/2/14 (RP 01/05/14)
$1.50/5 Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides printable
Final Cost: as low as $0.50 each 

Ragu Pasta Sauce, $1.50
Buy Two, Get One Free Barilla Pasta
$1.25/2 Ragu Product, exp. 2/2/14 (RP 01/05/14 R)
$0.20/1 Ragu Product, exp. 2/2/14 (RP 01/05/14)
$1/2 Ragu Product, exp. 2/2/14 (RP 01/05/14 R)
$0.75/2 Ragu Product, exp. 2/2/14 (RP 01/05/14 R)
Final Cost: as low as $0.88 each + get FREE Barilla pasta

General Mills Cheerios Cereal, $2.00
Buy Three, Get Free Simply Juice
$0.50/1 Cheerios Original Cereal printable
$0.75/1 Cheerios Multi-Grain or Multi-Grain Peanut Butter Cereal printable
$0.50/1 Cheerios Honey Nut or Honey Nut Medley Crunch Cereal printable
$0.60/1 Cheerios Original Cereal printable
$0.75/1 Multi Grain Cheerios, Peanut Butter Cheerios, Dark Chocolate Crunch Cereal, exp. 2/22/14 (SS 01/12/14)
$1/2 General Mills Cereal, exp. 2/15/14 (SS 01/05/14 #3)
and Use $1.00 off one Simply Orange, any variety
Final Cost: as low as $0.66 each + get  FREE Simply Juice wyb 3

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