
HOT deal alert! Make a customized tote for your little princess, pirate or goblin for only $2 each!!


Halloween will be here before you know it and that means your little ghosts and goblins will be thinking about costumes and candy. Why not kick off the holiday season with custom treat bags your kids can easily create online?

Grab a reusable tote now and you’ll get an eco-friendly creation at a special price of just $2 each (plus S&H)… that’s less than a bag of sweets!  Go now and customize your kiddos to their halloween costume! Or make a generic one they can use EVERY year!!! (I love this idea…since my kids always go to carnivals and get theirs confused with the 100’s of other kids….makes theirs unique and easy to find…and my 4 kids won’t have to fight about which one’s who’s!!!)

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