HOT Printables,  Online Deals

HOT deal on All You Magazine today!!! Hurry before this deal goes! As low as FREE for 12 months issues!

Ok so I always get asked how to get coupons…well  All You Magazine  is one of my favorite coupon resources!!! It has TONS of high value and Free item coupons every month!!! But even better it has great recipes and home tips as well!!! Today ONLY you can score 12 monthly issues delivered to your home for only $0.42 each (thru or FREE (thru!!!

Here is how to do it!

Today ONLY… 12 issues of AllYou magazine are priced at $19.95 (was $42.00)
However, if you shop through you will receive 50% cash back with (and $5 for new members) or shop through and receive 40% cash back (and a $10 gift card for new members)!!!

Here is how to do this deal though

  • Log in or sign up with
  • Right on the homepage there is a section for Featured Deals…click on the Red Link for
  • In 30 days or Less your account will show  your 40% cash back in your account
  • If this is your first time using you will receive a $10 gift card sent to your home!
  • Your Final Cost will  be as low as…FREE (after gift card) for 12 issues (for new members) or $9.97 for existing member!!!!
Here is how to do this deal through
  • Log in or sign up with
  • Right on the homepage there is a section for Todays Best Deals…click on the Green Link for
  • In 30 days or Less your account will show  your 50% cash back in your account
  • If this is your first time using you will get a $5 credit to your account
  • Your Final Cost will  be as low as…$4.97 for 12 issues (for new members) or $9.97 for existing member!!!!
***I wonder if you can sign up for both and and score both deals today (and get two magazines delivered to your home? I might try this!!!)


  • mari

    I’ve never used EBates before, does the 40% back only work towards other purchases on their website?

  • The Budget Bandit

    I am not sure what you mean…but the 40% cash back rebate that I posted applies only to your purchase…and only if you shop at through Ebates…there are 1000’s of sites you can shop online for through Ebates you simply search for the store you are wanting to shop for and click on the link…it will tell you what your percentage of cash back is!!!

  • Ahna

    This doesn’t seem to be working for me. I put the magazine in my cart and it’s still saying it’s going to cost $19.95. Do I need to use a promo code or do something different? thanks!

  • The Budget Bandit

    Yes you get an actual CASH BACK rebate!!! I love it! Save money by shopping at home..the best part is checking your mail and finding $$$!!!

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