Amazon Deals

HOT deal on the LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer…only $68.62 Shipped (plus get a FREE gel cover!)

My daughter was just looking in a catalog that got mailed to our house and saw LeapFrog LeapPad1 Explorer  for $113.99 and began telling me how she believes in Santa Clause!!! Apparently she has decided that she needs to remind me daily that she “believes” in order to insure that Santa brings her a gift! She is so sweet…

So of course I went to Amazon to see how much LeapFrog LeapPad1 Explorer are going for and found an AWESOME sale! Right now score a LeapFrog LeapPad1 Explorer for only $68.62 + get a FREE Gel cover and FREE shipping!!! Considering this is the “Santa” gift my daughter wants…and I REALLY wanted to get her one last year (But I could never find one…they were ALWAYS sold out) I am soooo excited 🙂

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