Amazon Deals

HOT Diaper deal for diapers as low as $0.08 each + Get more money saving coupons that totally ROCK!!!

Looking for diaper deals…they seem to be hard to find right now! I am always looking for GREAT deals…here are a few deals I found on Amazon!

***Plus once I signed up for my Amazon Mom FREE trial it gave me a $5 off Seventh Generation coupon and then once I purchased my Huggies Diapers it gave me more Huggies coupon and paper product coupons!!! WOWZERS!!! I am in 7th heaven with all these awesome deals for essentials on Amazon!!!

Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers, Economy size (246 ct +) as low as $0.14 a diaper! This is a major stock up price! Just make sure to choose the no obligation subscribe and save and the FREE 3 month trial of Amazon Mom (plus sign up for Amazon Mom here and get a FREE $10 off your diaper purchase…making this deal UNBELIEVABLE) …you can also clip the digital $2 off coupon found in the middle of the page! I am thinking of getting a couple of boxes in different sizes at this price!

Huggies Size 1: $35.34 ($0.13 each) ($0.08 each after $10 credit)

Huggies Size 2: $35.34 ($0.14 each)

Huggies Size 3: $35.74 ($0.16 each)

***If you know someone expecting the Pampers Swaddlers Newborn 240 Diapers deal is AWESOME…I know this is a Christmas gift I would LOVE to get!!!

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