HOT new high value $1.50 off Breyers, Magnum, Popsicle and more coupon + $0.49 at HyVee!
There is a new HOT high value coupon for $1.50/1 Breyers, Magnum, Popsicle, Klondike or Fruttare Ice Cream Printable Coupon to print FAST! I am sure there are fantastic deals at several stores…however I can tell you for certainty that you can score a carton of Breyer’s ice cream for just $0.49 each at HyVee this week!!!
***HyVee Scenario***
Breyer’s Ice Cream, $1.99
Use $1.50/1 Breyers, Magnum, Popsicle, Klondike or Fruttare Ice Cream Printable Coupon
Final Cost: $0.49