
How do I Build my Stockpile?

First thing to remember is IT TAKES TIME!!! It is not reasonable to expect to build it over night. You don’t need to think about how many items you buy at a time but more how often you may actually be buying that product.

If I find a great stock up price on a specific item that I know my family will like and use….I typically will buy 3-5 of that product (depending on how many are available at the store). If it is something that is not typically stocked well…I may actually only buy 1-2 and then go to another store in my area to get a couple more. I personally would rather drive to a couple of stores than take everything off the shelf at one store.

Rainchecks: You may run into a problem of not being able to get the product you were really excited to get because they are all sold out! Don’t get mad….it may be that you have other couponers in your area that beat you to it…but if you are shopping at a pharmacy the chances are they were not stocked up very well to begin with. So get a RAINCHECK. This way you can come back (before your coupons expire) and get the deal without fighting the crowds. Most stores Rainchecks do expire, however if you are shopping at Walgreens their Rainchecks never-ever expire!!!

High Value Coupons: Next thing to remember is that usually if there is a high value coupon that comes out (most likely for a new product) there will be many different stores and sales that will have that particular product for a stock-up price over the duration of the coupon expiration. The moral here…there is no need to buy any one store out…the chances are you will be able to get that deal again before the coupon expires.

Sale Cycles: Finally, remember that there are Sale Cycles. This means that there is a pretty regular and predictable cycle in which products go on sale. In general most products go on sale about every 3 months…so if you are trying build a stockpile of a particular item, when it reaches your stock-up price, you would want to buy enough for about 6 months…so that when it goes on sale again in 3 months you still have some left and only need to buy maybe another 3-6 months of the product. At this point you will mostly have enough product to last your family 9-12 months! Vuala Stockpile!!!


  • Kelly

    can you give some advice on when/what products are available in the cycle? Something like the products and the months?

  • Rebecca black

    Hi Iam just sarting out I don’t seem to have
    The coupons I need to buy the things
    That are on sale at the time seems like
    Right now razors tooth paste hair color
    Are the most that’s been in the paper

    I did manage to get toilet tissue for .49 a roll

    I. 6 dollar off coupons so took advantage of that

    any advice

  • thebudgetbandit

    If you are just starting out be patient…you will soon have the coupons that are included in the weekly match ups! If you there is something that you really want and do not have the coupon available go to a coupon exchange or order from a clipping service! I hope that helps!!! 🙂 Great job so far it sounds though!!!

  • randi

    What’s the trick on the paper products?? I’ve been doing this for a few months now and just don’t seem to find the deals on the toilet paper and paper towels. I have enough toiletries to get my kids tthrough college though!

  • The Budget Bandit

    Well it sounds like you are doing pretty good! That’s a lot of toilet paper 🙂 I just watch the deals and when they get down to my stock up price I buy 3-5.

  • Carmelia

    i was wondering if anyone is willing to help me figure out how this couponing works. im a teen mom based off one income which is only me and i have plenty of mouths to feed but not enough money to go around, which i find unreal cause im a student at ivytech and i work 60 to 80 hours a week
    so if someone will be kind enought to get a hold of me you can contact me at cmcbride22@ivytech.edu
    thank you so much and i hope to hear from someone

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