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How to Encourage the Natural Musician Within a Toddler

Pum Pum Drum Review

It is not hard to believe that there is a little bit of a musician in all of us. Just watch a young toddler when you give them anything they can make music or listen to music with. They love it. It’s in our nature. I have always loved for inspiring that natural musician from within my kids. Here are a few tools I have used to help encourage the natural musician within toddlers starting from the youngest of ages.

Inspiring a Young Musician

  1. Play music in the nursery. I start this as soon as I bring my babies home. I play music all through the night to help soothe them, which in returns helps them sleep better.
  2. Encourage musical play. My son absolutely loves his B. Parum Pum Pum drum! It is the perfect instrument for the little musician of the house. My little guy loves to make music with the B. Parum Pum Pum drum. It comes with several easy to use instruments perfect for a young toddler, including: drumsticks, jingle bells, a maraca with clacker, a tambourine and 2 shaker eggs. The drum has a big handle with soft cotton strap that makes it easy for my little guy to carry it and play music all over the house.  The best part is that it all stores inside the drum, making it easy for my little guy to store and put it away!

    How to Encourage the Natural Musician Within a Toddler

  3. Teach them the names and sounds of different instruments. You can do this by demonstrating the instruments in real life or by showing them using outside resources (ie. phone, tablet, videos and so forth.)
  4. Always encourage “making music” over loud banging and yelling. It is easy as adults to become easily annoyed with the sounds of a toddler experimenting with musical instruments, but if we teach them there is a proper and appropriate way to play them, everyone in the house will be much happier.
  5. Make music together. This is not just because your child will learn from your demonstrating, but also it will create good/happy memories of making music with their family and thus a stronger love for music in itself.

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