Reviews and Giveaways

How To Sleep Without Worry With a Newborn in the Home

Compensation was provided by Mimo Smart Baby Monitor via MomTrends.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Mimo Smart Baby Monitor or Momtrends.

mimo baby

Being a parent is no easy feat. You go into parenthood expecting sleepless nights due to a crying baby, lifestyle changes and the need to care for another human being. However, no one warns you about the additional sleepless nights (once your baby actually starts sleeping) due to worrying about your sweet little bundle. Or the pain you feel the first time you have to leave your baby for work, errands or whatever reason.

I can’t tell you how many times I would lay in my bed worrying if my little one was ok sleeping in the next room. Thankfully, I was not alone in these fears and now there is the Mimo Smart Baby Monitor! With the Mimo you don’t have to lose sleep at night or worry about your baby while away. The Mimo Smart Baby Monitor will help you know that your baby is sleeping soundly and resting well.

Mimo Onesie
The Mimo provides you with an insight hub (via the companion iOS or Android app) for your baby as they sleep and wirelessly sends the baby’s breathing, body position, skin temperature and sleep quality via low energy bluetooth to a your smart device along with live audio. To gather this information your baby simply has to wear a Mimo 100% Organic Cotton Kimono with a cute little turtle piece that snaps right on. The snap on turtle is a bluetooth capabilities to gather information and send it to your phone or tablet.
mimo baby monitor

The Mimo Smart Baby Monitor comes in several sizes including 0-3, 3-6, and 6-12 month sizes and is available in four colors: natural, mint, pink, and yellow. The monitor is available at Babies R Us for $199. This is a small price in comparison to the lost sleep, non-stop worry and frets that come with being a new parent. Believe me even a veteran parent of multiple children will still go through these worries and emotions when a new baby comes home.

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