HUGE blowout back to school sale over at Vistaprint!!!
Vistaprint is having a HUGE back to school blowout sale for 50% off their products! There are so many great deals to be had with this promotion…I have found just a few to give you an idea!!! Happy shopping
T-shirts just $6.00…make customized Personalize t-shirts for the kids after-school sports team, activities or even with their favorite saying on it!!!
Notecards just $3.50 for 10 cards…Personalize a set of note cards to use to give notes to teachers, holidays, thank you’s and more!
Totebags just $6.50!!! This one is one of my most favorite deals…make personalized totes to fill with goodies for the new teacher, send with the kiddos for kindergarten or preschool (these are amazing for preschoolers…put their name on it)!
Business Cards for as low as FREE… Teachers can design their own homework passes, mom’s can make play date cards, small business owners can design beautiful business cards with the overhead cost!!!