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HURRY! Join FedEx Delivery Manager for totally FREE!!! Have complete control over your deliveries!


Do you like to be around when your packages are delivered to your home? I sure do! Quite a bit of my holiday shopping is done online as well as a good deal of my household shopping (through Amazon).  I recently joined FedEx Manager so that I could manage my deliveries and have complete control! It is a free service which send you notifications (which you can customize) to let you know when packages will be delivered.  This service has already saved me a ton of stress, by notifying me of when a package I expect will be delivered. I have already had to request a change in the delivery to make sure I could be home for a package that required a signature (I had a doctors appointment that I knew would run long)

The best part is that you get to choose the types of notifications you receive (text, email, phone or all three)! Plus you can make note on your account for the delivery man to leave the packages in a specific location (ie. in front of the garage, at the back door…)

It’s totally FREE to sign up…just click the image above and join now!!!

***With Christmas coming this is the perfect opportunity to get a handle on those incoming packages 🙂

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