
Looking for an iPod Touch or iPad for Christmas? Target has the best prices this week we will probably see this year!!!

If you are planning on buying an Apple product for Christmas…I suggest doing so NOW at Target!!! There are some products that just NEVER go on sale and Apple products are one of them…so the best way to save money on those purchases is to take advantage of gift card deals! This week, you can do just that at Target!!!

I did this last year and Santa brought my oldest an iPod Touch! She has been so diligent with it and has really taken great care of it…and this week on our vacation to Colorado it has really come in handy…from entertainment in the car to taking pictures at the zoo…so glad I did this deal last year!!!

  • iPad3, 16GB with WiFi, $499.99
    Receive a $40 Target gift card
    Final Cost: $459.99 (plus if you use your RedDot card you will save an additional $25 and get FREE shipping online…making your final cost: only $434.99 )
  • iPod Touch, 16GB, $199
    Receive a $25 Target gift card 
    Final Cost: $174 (plus if you use your RedDot card you will save an additional $9.95 and get FREE shipping online…making your final cost: $164.05)
I am pretty sure these will be the best prices you will see for the holiday season…so if these are items you are considering…I would definitely jump on these deals NOW!!!

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