Freebies,  HOT Printables

Make sure to sign up today to win a NEW iPad…there is a new winner everyday!!! You get to sign up once a day this whole week!

Make sure to sign up for’s iPad-a-day Giveaway!!! Through August 9 (1) new iPad will be given away EVERYDAY. There will be a total of seven winners. Limit is one entry per person per day. The winners are chosen during a daily drawing which is done by an external party (ePrize). Winners will be notified via email.

While you are there make sure to check out all the NEW awesome coupons to print this month!!!

$0.50 off One Kern’s 5.5 oz. 6 Pack

$1.00 off One Half Gallon of Rice Dream

$0.30 off 4 oz. or larger HARIBO product

$0.50 off ONE (1) Breyers product 1.5 qt

$0.55 off one package of Brawny 2 Giant

$0.50 off ALL YOU magazine

$0.55 off Odwalla Juice, Juice Drink or Smoothie

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