
MONEY MAKER!!! Hurry and sign up for iBotta…they are offering a FREE $5 cash just to you!!! Plus now both Android and iPhone users alike can use the app…I have already saved $50 (and in just one day made $10 in cash!)

*** Hurry the FREE $5 credit is ending soon…sign up for Ibotta NOW!!!

YIPPIE!!! Ibotta app for the Android is finally here!!!! This means Android and iPhone users can now ALL earn cash when you purchase products at Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, Target, Walmart and 19 other retailers!!!

I am so excited because I have been watching all those iPhone users saving big money using Ibotta while I just had to sit back and take it…LOL!!!

****Seriously this is the best coupon app out there…you can use these awesome HIGH value coupons with manufacture and store coupons all stacked…that is like triple stacking (plus when you combine with a great store deal…OMG we are talking MONEY MAKER!!!!)

Down load the Ibotta app now score FREE $5 cash…just sign up for an Ibotta account by through this link and then you must redeem at least one successful offer from the Ibotta Product Gallery by uploading a receipt and receiving cash on your Ibotta account.

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