
My weekend shopping with my 3 kiddos…I did well!!!


This is what happens when I finally decide to do some shopping…I loaded my three kids in the car (my truck was already full) headed to Target, Rite Aid and Albertsons… 2 hours later and my kids have their feet resting on bags of pasta (from Albertsons), they are each holding a packages of Scott paper towels/toilet paper and my front seat is loaded with Huggies and more Paper Towels!!!

Now I just have to put all this away….oh and donate about 20 articles of clothing to the woman’s shelter!!! Do you remember those $5/1 Mossimo apparel coupons we got awhile back from Target.com? Well my Target had Mossimo shorts, dresses and leggings all clearanced 75% off!!! So I bought a bunch to donate!!!

Anyone want to come help me put this away?!?! LOL



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