New Coupons – Swiffer, Pampers, Cereal and more!
Well happy Friday! There are 134 New October Coupons available to print The first week of a new month is always the best…there are so many fresh new high value coupons to print and use. Make sure you print the ones you are sure to use soon, because many of these won’t last long before they run out of prints!
- $1.50 off TWO JOHNSON’S and/or Desitin products
- $0.50 off 1 Peter Pan Simply Ground Peanut Butter
- $1.50 off 2 Well Beginnings Protection Diapers
- Buy any 3 Hunts, Manwich, Rosarita, Get 1 Free
- $2.00 off $5.00 of Weight Watchers products
- $0.50 off (1) pepper sauce from TABASCO brand
- $1.50 off Breathe Right Nasal Strips
- $1.00 off 2 Gerber or Graduates Yogurt Blends
- $2.00 off 1 Aleve-D product
- $1.00 off any 3 Gerber Graduates Meals or Sides
- $1.00 off any 3 Gerber Graduates Puffs
- $2.00 off any 6 Gerber Graduates Grabbers™ items
- $2.00 off 1 Aleve 40ct or larger
- $1.00 off 1 CEPACOL Sore Throat Product
- $1.00 off ONE Vicks DayQuil™ or NyQuil™ product
- $3.00 off TWO Vicks DayQuil™ or NyQuil™ products
- $0.55 off any one package of Ruffies Trash Bags
- $1.00 off 1 St Joseph low dose aspirin
- $1.00 off ONE ZzzQuil™ product
- $1.00 off any ONE First Response Multivitamin
- $1.00 off ONE Meta Product
- $1.00 off ONE MetaBiotic Product
- $1.00 off 1 Alka-Seltzer Plus product
- $1.00 off any Breathe Right product
- $1.00 off TWO Pepto-Bismol™ products
- $2.00 off ONE Prilosec OTC Product
- $0.25 off ONE Dawn Product
- $0.50 off ONE Mr.Clean Magic Eraser Bath Scrubber
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ Candle
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ Air Refresher
- $0.75 off ONE Febreze Small Spaces
- $0.75 off ONE Febreze Air Effects
- $0.75 off ONE Febreze Fabric Refresher
- $0.75 off ONE Febreze Car Vent Clip
- $1.00 off ONE Febreze Noticeables Refill
- $2.00 off TWO Unstopables
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ Pluggable Scented Oil
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ Fabric Refresher
- $0.50 off ONE Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Kitchen
- $0.50 off 1 Fleischmanns Simply Homemade Cornbread
- $1.00 off ONE Swiffer Wet Jet Refill
- $1.00 off ONE Swiffer Sweeper Dry Refill
- $1.00 off ONE Swiffer Duster Refill
- $1.00 off ONE Swiffer Sweeper Wet Refill
- $0.75 off ONE Gain Laundry Detergent
- $2.00 off ONE Gain Flings 31ct or larger
- $1.00 off ONE Unstopables™ In-Wash Scent Booster
- $0.50 off ONE Gain Fabric Enhancer
- $0.50 off ONE Charmin Basic
- $0.75 off ONE Charmin Ultra Soft or Strong 12ct
- $0.25 off ONE Bounty Paper Towels
- $0.25 off ONE Bounty Napkins
- $0.25 off ONE Puffs Product
- $0.25 off ONE Puffs Softpack 1ct or larger
- $1.00 off 1 Healthy Edibles Wild Edible Dogs Chews
- $1.00 off 1 Nutri Dent 3 Point Edible Dental Chew
- $2.00 off TWO Secret Deodorants or Body Sprays
- $1.00 off Secret Outlast Clear Gel Deodorant
- $0.25 off ONE Secret Antiperspirant/Deodorant
- $2.00 off ONE Secret Clinical Invisible Solid
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Antiperspirant/Deodorant
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Body Spray
- $2.00 off (2) Busy or Alpo brand dog snacks
- $2.00 off (1) Purina Beggin’ brand Dog Treats
- $1.25 off any ONE (1) Starbucks Flavored Coffee
- $1.00 off 1 Bottle Of Plumsmart Or Plumsmart Light
- $2.00 off ONE Gillette Clinical Strength
- $1.00 off ONE Gillette Clear Gel Deodorant
- $0.75 off ONE Secret Deodorant or Body Spray
- $0.50 off ONE Always Pad
- $0.50 off ONE Always Liner 30ct or larger
- $0.50 off ONE Tampax Pearl Product
- $1.50 off TWO Tampax Pearl Products
- $0.75 off ONE Tampax Radiant Tampon Product
- $1.50 off ONE Oral-B Pro-Health Pulsar Toothbrush
- $0.50 off ONE Crest or Oral-B Kids Toothbrush
- $2.00 off ONE Vidal Sassoon Salonist Hair Color
- $1.00 off ONE Herbal Essences Hair Color
- $1.50 off ONE Clairol Natural Instinct Hair Color
- $2.00 off ONE Clairol Age Defy Hair Color Product
- $1.50 off ONE Clairol Nice N Easy Root Touch Up
- $1.50 off ONE Clairol Nice N Easy Hair Color
- $1.00 off ONE Venus Razor
- $1.00 off ONE Venus Disposable Razor
- $1.50 off ONE Gillette Disposable Razor
- $1.00 off ONE Olay Facial Moisturizer or Cleanser
- $2.00 off ONE Olay Pro-X Facial Moisturizer
- $2.00 off ONE Olay Luminous Facial Moisturizer
- $2.00 off 1 Olay Total Effects Facial Moisturizer
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Bar Soap 6ct or larger
- $1.00 off ONE Olay Hand & Body Lotion
- $1.10 off ONE Olay Body Wash
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Body Wash
- $0.50 off ONE Satin Care or Venus™ Shave Gel
- $0.75 off ONE Old Spice Aftershave
- $1.00 off ONE Fixodent Adhesive
- $0.50 off ONE Crest Kids Toothpaste
- $3.00 off one (1) Carmex Cold Sore Treatment
- $1.10 off ONE Olay Bar Soap
- $1.50 off ONE Pampers UnderJams Night Wear
- $1.50 off ONE Pampers Easy Ups Training Pants
- $1.00 off (1) Gerber Apparel or Bedding Item
- $0.75 off 2 DreamWorks cereals
- $1.00 off (1) CVS Pharmacy Training Pants
- $0.50 off ONE Luvs Diapers
- $1.00 off 1 Green Giant Saute OR frozen vegetables
- $1.00 off on any TWO TOMBSTONE Pizzas
- $0.80 off 4 Green Giant Frozen Vegetables
- $1.00 off 1 Bag of PlumSweets, Greek PlumSweets
- $1.00 off Amaz!n Diced Prunes
- $1.00 off 1 bag of Sunsweet Ones
- $0.50 off 2 Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks
- $1.00 off any TWO Harvest Snaps snacks
- $0.50 off 1 box Nature Valley™ Granola Bars
- $0.75 off 1 carton Annie’s Organic Soup
- $1.00 off 4 Progresso Soups
- $1.00 off 1 Progresso Chili, Stew OR Cooking Stock
- $1.00 off 2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods
- $0.75 off 1 Food Should Taste Good Snacks Products
- $0.50 off TWO BAGS any Chex Mix™ Products
- $1.00 off ONE package The Good Table™ product
- $0.75 off 3 LARABAR, UBER, ALT bars/RENOLA pouches
- $0.50 off Fiber One™ Snack Bars or Cookies
- $1.00 off TWO BOXES General Mills Big G cereals
- $1.00 off 2 boxes Chex cereals
- $0.50 off 1 box Lucky Charms cereal
- $1.00 off 2 boxes any flavor Cheerios cereals
- $0.50 off any FIVE cups Yoplait Yogurt
- $0.50 off TWO cups Plenti™ Greek Yogurt
- $0.20 off ONE cup Liberte Mediterranee yogurt
- $0.80 off FOUR Helper™ OR Ultimate Helper™ Dishes
- $0.75 off any one SeaPak product 8 oz. or larger
- $0.75 off 1 Old El Paso Dinner Kit
- $1.00 off (3) Bar-S Frank packages