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Newspaper coupons VS Printable coupons…what’s better….what’s cheaper?

So I have been asked several times now about coupons…where do I get them…which do I prefer printable or newspaper…and what’s the cheapest way to get coupons. I would like to discuss these questions a little bit now with you. (I say discuss because I would love to hear your thoughts as well)

First of all there are several “types” of coupons someone can attain…

  • Printable: Coupons that you can print from your computer…or someone else’s computer (ie. Library, neighbor, family) There are several sites you can use to get printable coupons regularly (, RedPlum, SmartSource, CouponNetwork…)
  • Newspaper: You don’t need to get a daily subscription to the newspaper…coupons only come in the Sunday paper. There are a few different types of inserts that you will want to look for; Redplum, SmartSource, Proctor & Gamble (P&G…only comes the first Sunday of each month) and sometimes there are coupons inserts from specific manufactures (Pepsi, Hasbro, Box Tops, Target…)
  • Tear pad: These are coupons that you may find in front of the product that it’s for at the store…they are usually on a pad…with TONS there. It’s important with tearpad coupons that you be respectful of others and don’t take them all…save some for others!
  • Blinkie: Coupons inside little machines found in stores…usually with a blinking light on it (hints the name blinkie…LOL). These coupons are always time released for at least 10 seconds between each coupon.
  • Mail Coupons: Many times there will be companies that offer coupons that you can request via mail.
  • Store Specific: Several stores offer their own coupons (Target, HyVee, Albertsons, Safeway, Walgreens, CVS…) These coupons are extra awesome because they can be “stacked” (combined) with manufacturer coupons!!!
  • Phone App Coupons: Yes that’s right there are also several apps you can put on your phone to “stack” your savings even more! My favorite can’t live without app is Ibotta…super easy to use and credits you right away!!! You can also use Endorse…which also pays you money back on your purchase! Oh and you can’t forget SHOPKICK…this one is SWEET…you get Target coupons and can ear free stuff…I have already earned $50 in Target gift cards!
  • Store Rewards Programs: SavingStar is an app that I use for my store rewards cards that pays me CASH when I purchase items that I have digitally clipped coupons for and added to my store rewards cards…for instance you can add coupons to your CVS card and when you purchase those items you will earn money back!
What’s the best kind of coupon?
To be honest there is no such thing is “the best kind” of coupon…they are all AWESOME! Ok well that is a matter of opinion…but if you want to know which types of coupons typically have the highest values, are the easiest to get and are my personal favorite…the answer is simple…I LOVE printable coupons!!! They are much easier to get my hands on than newspaper coupons…they are cheaper in the long run (I can coupon my printer ink and paper…down to essentially free) and I only need to print the coupons I am sure I will use!
I probably use 90% internet printable coupons and only 10% of a combination of all the other types of coupons out there!!!
What’s the cheapest way to get coupons?
Well unless you want to break the law and steal your newspapers…the cheapest way to get newspaper coupons is from the Dollar Tree. But if you have a good relationship with your neighbors and family…and they receive a Sunday newspaper…you can get even more inserts for completely free just by asking if they would be willing to save the inserts for you!!!!
I typically get 3 Sunday Papers from the Dollar Tree each week…and I print or “gather” the rest of my coupons. Printing coupons in my opinion is the cheapest way to get coupons…as the office stores offer special promotions for FREE cases of printer paper. You can also use rebates, credits and coupons stacked together to get ink/toner for VERY CHEAP (possibly FREE)!


What now…

Don’t ask me…cause I am too busy printing my coupons…LOL! No but seriously take advantage of the simplicity of printable coupons and happy printing!!!


Here is a list of the current coupons that I am printing….

$0.50 off two (2) TWIX Brand 4 to go Cookie Bars
$1.00 off 2 BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages
$1.50 off any (1) ONE Dial Brand Lotion
$1.50 off any one Marzetti Caramel Dip product
$0.55 off any pepper sauce from TABASCO brand
$2.00 off John Frieda Luxurious Volume Hair Care
$1.00 off ONE Vidal Sassoon Pro Series styling aid
$2.00 off TWO Pantene products
$2.00 off Breathe Right product 26 ct. or larger
$1.00 off Each Package of Thrive
$2.00 off two KOTEX Natural Balance
$2.00 off two U by KOTEX Tampons
$0.50 off any 1 Palmolive Soft Touch dish liquid
$2.00 off ONE Gillette Venus Family System Razor
$0.55 off any two (2) Hunt’s Canned Tomatoes
BOGO SNICKERS Bar and Peanut Butter Squared Bar
$0.50 off on any ONE (1) 1.76 oz. Altoids tin

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