Reviews and Giveaways

OGOSport Gets Kids Creativity Rolling and Bodies Moving!


Now here is an awesome review I am so excited to share with you! I received this OGOBILD Nexus kit with over 90 different attachments including: wheels, wings, feet, springs, a scoop and more! With so many fun unique pieces to build and create, the imagination can go wild. My son loves building and creating toys and of course he absolutely LOVES his OGOBILD Nexus kit.

I love watching my 3 kids have so much fun creating and building together. It was awesome watching how within just minutes my kids had all created something they were so proud of. The creativity continued to grow as the time went by as they re-invented over and over again! All of the attachments included are interchangeable, functionable and perfect for kids ages 6 and up (I would even recommend to kids ages 3 and up)!

ogosport raq

The next item I received to review is as equally AWESOME! Have I mentioned that I absolutely love OgoSports?!?! This OgoDisk RAQ is ingenious. The RAQ comes with two trampoline disks and 1 flux ball. I love that the flex ball is so soft and easy to bounce around. Plus there are no worries if it accidentally hits you or someone else while playing.

As a family we all have had so much fun playing with this hand trampoline. It’s so easy to use. Simply bounce the flex ball from disk to disk (hand to hand), or play with a friend or a group…the options are limitless. The trampoline OgoDisk RAQ is so amazing you can even use other round objects to bounce around. I am planning on getting some water balloons this summer for some family water balloon fun!

Personally I am hoping to purchase at least one more OGOBILD kit (since I have 4 kids sharing this 1 kit) as well as buy 1-2 OgoDisk RAQ  sets so that as a family we can all engage in the endless hours of fun! Hopefully I will have the opportunity to review more OGOSport products to share with you! Because this momma gives them 2 thumbs up and a stamp of mom approved!



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