Online Deals,  Retail Shopping,  Rewards Codes and Points *HOT* Promo Code for $2 off a $2 purchase + 3% cash back!!!

There is a HOT promo code at for $2 off a $2.01 purchase or more…just enter the promo code 27662 and score $2 off your purchase!  You can choose FREE site-to-store shipping! Plus to sweeten the deal even more shop through Ebates and get an additional 3% cash back!

There are several pairs of Girls and Women’s tights marked down to just $2.99, so ONLY $0.99 (plus tax) shipped to your local Payless store.  Also, there are jewelry items priced as low as $3.00, so only $1 shipped to your local Payless!

Thanks Hip2Save!

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