Reviews and Giveaways

Prince Lionheart’s 3-in-1 POTTY Review


I was recently offered the opportunity to review this Prince Lionheart 3-in-1 Potty Pod! Since Kyron is just about 2 years old I was so excited to get this potty out of the box and get started! Let me tell you, after potty training my 3 older kids I have purchased several different potty training seats, and non have been nearly as amazing as this one!

The Prince Lionheart potty is amazing! It seriously blows all other potty chairs out of the water. I know that may sound weird but I am serious…this potty chair is rockin!


There are several features that make this potty chair absolutely the best on the market….

  1. Made with Anti-microbial material: actually this seat is the ONLY anti-microbial potty on the market!  The soft seat is treated to prevent growth of microorganisms that may cause odors and mildew!
  2. One-piece removable bowl that lifts easily off for dumping and cleaning.
  3. Build in splash guard for little boy (and girls believe it or not) accidental sprays.
  4. Chic-Sleek design. I love that it does  not look like the typical potty. It is modern and sleek, not sticking out like a sore thumb in our already cramped bathroom.
  5. Adaptability to grow with baby. This 3-in-1 potty seat is one of the most easy to use adaptable seats on the market. As baby is first learning to use the potty the POD is low enough to the ground to make using the potty alone a breeze. As your toddler grows so does this fabulous potty Pod. Just remove the top piece and set it on top of the toilet and turn the POD into an easy to use big kid potty, and convert the Pod into a slip resistant step stool to assist your toddler in getting onto the toilet or for washing their hands at the sink!

3in1 pink

The 3-in-1 Potty arms parents with maximum versatility and functionality:

Step One: Personal Potty.
Step Two: Toilet Adapter.
Step Three: Step Stool for toilet or sink.
 The Prince Lionheart 3-in-1 PottyPod comes in 2 colors: Pink or Blue. You can purchase at several locations included Target for just $29.99!!!
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