Blog Post

Safeway deals starting 7/20

4 Day Deals: (7/22-7/25)

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese $0.75
Papa Cantella’s Sausage $2.99
Doritios Tortilla Chips $1.99 

In-ad coupon deals:


Nabisco Crackers $1.99 (limit 4)
w/ in-ad coupon
Use $1.00/2 Nabisco Cookies or Crakers (SS 6/19 exp. 7/30)
or use $1.00/2 Ritz Crackers or Ritz Bitz, (SS 5/15 exp.9/5)
Total OOP: $1.49

Lipton Tea or Sobe Lifewater $0.69 (limit10)
w/ in-ad coupon

Powerade $0.69
(limit 10)
w/in-ad coupon

Safeway Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns $0.99

w/ in-ad coupon

Kix, Lucky Charms or Cocoa Puffs Brownie Crunch $1.79 (limit 4)
w/ in-ad coupon

Deal Idea:
Buy Cocoa Puffs Brownie Crunch
 Use $0.75/1 Cocoa Puffs Brownie Crunch (SS 7/17 exp. 8/27)
or use $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals (SS 7/10 exp. 8/20)
Total OOP: $1.04
Total OOP: $0.79 if your store doubles up to a $1.00

Giant Canned Veggies $0.69
w/ in-ad coupon

Hormel Chili $0.99 (limit 4)
Use $0.55/2 Hormel Chili printable
Total OOP: $0.72 each wyb 2
Total OOP: $0.49 each wyb 2 and your store doubles up to a $1.00

Progresso Soup $0.99 (limit 8)
w/ in-ad coupon

Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad Mix $0.99 (limit 10)
Use $0.50/2 Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad Mix (SS 6/5 exp. 7/30)
Total OOP: $0.74 each wyb 2
Total OOP: $0.49 if your store doubles up to $1.00

Oral-B CrossAction Toothbrush $2.49 (Limit 4)

Deal Idea:
Buy 2 Oral-B CrossAction Toothbrushes $2.49
Use B1G1 Oral-B CrossAction Toothbrush (PG 6/5 exp. 7/31) 
and use (1 ) $2.00/1 Oral-B Pulsar, CrossAction, Advantage, or (2) Indicator or Cavity Defense Manual Toothbrushes (PG 7/03 exp. 7/31)
Total OOP: $0.49 or $0.25 each

Other Good Deals:
Bayer Advanced Pain Relief, 20-24 ct. $2.99
Use $2.00/1 Bayer Advanced Aspirin  (SS 6/12)
Total OOP: $0.99

12 Pack of Coke Varieties:
B 2G 2 FREE, plus 1 FREE pkg. Nabisco Oreos

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