• Cresta Sharp Ogle


    I live in Western Washington also, and almost always shop at Fred Meyer. I was SO inspired to see that you were able to get a gift card back when you were on Extreme Couponing! I would love to know how you did it – the cashiers I encounter will not allow overages (For example, the One Beyond cat food was in the markdown bin for $1.49, & I had a coupon for $2.00 off any size. The cashier wouldn’t take my coupon at all because the register came up with a message that said “Coupon amount exceeds value of item.”). Do they override those messages for you?

    I thought it was impossible to get those great deals without double coupons (which, as you know, Fred Meyer doesn’t do), but you have shown me I was wrong! Thank you so much for going on Extreme Couponing! You are my Coupon Guru! LOL!

  • thebudgetbandit

    You are correct Fred Meyers does not allow for any overage! I did not receive any overage on my purchase! I got money back because I had those prescription transfer points on my Fred Meyers Card…I also used $60 in Cat’s on the first transaction and then after finishing my third transaction I found a stack of coupons that I missed..that is why they gave me money back for the third transaction.

  • Kim Rissone

    Yeah for you!!!! I live in Kirkland and am totally hooked on the show. I started watching the show and then thought it was impossible to repeat the process in Washington, because I thought that nobody did double coupons. Of course I didn’t delete the show …. I need to watch it a couple more times! Too funny that I was trying to figure out which store you shopped at … but then again … I’m sure I would have figured it out when all the shelves are bare! LOL WOO HOOO … good for you! If you ever teach a class I’d be interested! Awesome!

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