
Sell your gadgets for cash! That’s right do a little Spring Cleaning and get paid for your old phones, tablets and computers!

Springtime is here and for many that means time for spring-cleaning! Do you have an old smartphone, or Apple product lying around? Have you come across a broken tablet, iPad, Macbook or iPhone while cleaning around the house? You could earn some extra cash and do some good for the environment by selling your item to Gazelle! Gazelle offers a fast and easy way for consumers to get cash for their used electronics like iPhones, iPads, Macbooks Samsung Galaxy devices, tablets and other smartphones. More than 500,000 consumers have used Gazelle to sell nearly one million gadgets.

Visit Gazelle today, and see what your items are worth!

To many people springtime means time to start going room to room to pull out drawers and evaluate what stays, and what will be thrown away. According to the EPA 10 billion lbs. of consumer electronics are sitting in storage in US homes, while more than half of Americans set their unwanted gadgets aside instead of selling or recycling them. We want you to inform your readers that rather than just stuffing away their old electronics in a drawer, there are is a better option! Why not earn some cash for those devices they no longer use?! Just head over to Gazelle and find out how much they will pay you for your old devices taking up space around the house!

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