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Several NEW Betty Crocker coupons available today! (Cake Mix, Fruit Snacks, Cereal, Cookie Dough and more)

$0.75 off ONE Nature Valley Breakfast Biscuits$0.75 off TWO Betty Crocker Cake Mix or Frosting
$0.50 off Nature Valley Greek Yogurt Protein Bars$0.75 off ONE Immaculate Baking Cookie Dough

$0.50 off TWO BOXES Betty Crocker boxed Potatoes
$0.80 off FOUR BOXES any flavor Hamburger Helper
$0.75 off ONE Nature Valley Breakfast Biscuits
$0.75 off TWO Betty Crocker Cake Mix or Frosting
$0.75 off Multi Grain Cheerios Chocolate cereal
$0.75 off ONE BOX Chocolate Toast Crunch™ cereal
$0.75 off Fiber One Protein Maple Brown Sugar
$1.00 off TWO BOXES any flavor Cheerios cereals
$0.50 off ONE Fiber One™ Fruit Flavored Snacks
$0.50 off TWO BOXES Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes
$0.50 off TWO BOXES Nature Valley Snack Bars
$0.50 off Nature Valley Greek Yogurt Protein Bars
$0.75 off ONE BOX any flavor Fiber One™ Meal Bar
$0.50 off any flavor Progresso Recipe Starters
$1.00 off TWO Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough
$0.40 off any 2 Pillsbury OR Grands! Sweet Rolls
$0.40 off any TWO Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls
$0.75 off ONE Immaculate Baking Cookie Dough

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