Reviews and Giveaways

Skinny Jane Weight loss and Nutrition for Women Review and Giveaway!!!

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

skinny jane
I was recently given the opportunity to review a one week supply of Skinny Jane for a 7 day challenge.  Being a New Year and that I have gained way too much weight this winter already…I was super excited! Now I will be honest…I have always been a small person…so dieting has never been my thing! But as I have gotten older and having 6 pregnancies my metabolism is just not the same!
My biggest problem with dieting is that I grew up in a family of chefs, and I like to ENJOY my food! I also hate the flavor of all the protein shakes I have ever tried! Until now…

I was able to try out each of their 4 shake flavors – banana, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. I LOVE the chocolate and the vanilla wasn’t bad either. The banana and strawberry were not my favorite but when I mixed them half and half with the other flavors they made for a tasty morning shake!

One of my favorite things about these shakes was the deliciousness of them! I actually ENJOYED them!!!  And as an added bonus – I LOVED how it filled me up!

I was also sent a 7 day supply of “Burn” and “Cleanse”. These are supplement capsules that are meant to be taken daily in conjunction with the shakes.  Here is how:  upon waking take 1 ‘burn’ supplement pill (meant to increase your metabolism). About 30-34 minutes later make up your choice of flavor shake with a few ice cubes and 8 ounces of non fat milk. Throughout the day they have a recommended guide of times and types of meals to eat. (I tried to follow this as best as possible). Finally around 5 pm take the ‘cleanse’ supplement pills (meant to detoxify your system so it can use the nutrients in your food to the benefit of your body).  I LOVED the way the ‘burn’ supplements made me feel, full of energy! The ‘cleanse’ on the other hand did not agree with my stomach and I think I had some sort of reaction (probably just me, since I have a sensitive GI system). I would say that since it is a ‘cleansing’ supplement, be prepared to use the bathroom more often!
I would recommend this weight loss system! I did loose 5 pounds in the 7 days of trying it out! In fact I am planning on ordering more of the shake and burn supplements! However, I am staying away from the cleanse pills because they did not agree with me unfortunately.
About Skinny Jane:
Skinny Jane helps women lose weight and be healthier and happier. We offer two weight loss challenges on our website, The weight loss challenges come with the Skinny Jane Quick Slim Kit, which is the product we are offering for this promotion. The Kit includes:
Skinny Blend is the best-tastingweight loss shake on the market! It has a special blend of 7 proteins that will curb your appetite for up to 4 hours and energize you. One serving has just 100 calories, only 1 gram of sugar, 3 grams of fiber and 12 grams of protein. Skinny Blend will boost your protein intake so you keep your metabolism high while you are losing weight. You will love the Skinny Blend Shakes!

Skinny Burn is a great weight loss and fat burning supplement. It has 9 ingredients that work synergistically to help speed up your metabolism, boost your energy, and control your appetite. It contains Raspberry Ketones that have been proven to be very effective in burning body fat along with other ingredients that speed up your metabolism and curb your appetite.

Skinny Cleanse is a great weight loss aid because it will cleanse your body by removing toxins and impurities from your system. In turn, your body will be a much better fat burning machine. This is a gentle cleanse that is very safe and does not cause any stomach discomfort.

To see a list of ingredients on our weight loss products, please visit

The kit can be purchase on Amazon for $89.99.

Enter to win your own 7 day trial of Skinny Jane….Good Luck!!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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