DIY Projects and Tips

Spring Cleaning…taking one task at a time! Cleaning the closets and Laundry Galore (plus my super secret laundry device and life saver!)

spring cleaning fixed

This week is the beginning of Spring (and Spring Break for my kids) in celebration I have a goal of doing one Spring Cleaning task each day and one household chore (which I already do, but it’s good to not forget those tasks when adding new tasks to your schedule)

My Monday task was CLEAN KIDS CLOSETS! It was a task but it did get accomplished!

closet before

Here is what the closet looked like before the “big clean”! Garage on the ground, clothes falling off hangers, toys crammed in all sorts of places and a big bag of games they really hardly ever play.

closet after

Here is the after photo! I think it turned out ok. As you can see in the before photo, my kids had clothes falling off the hangers. To fix that we simply cleaned out items that were being unused and had a quick lesson (again) on how to hang clothes. For instance, I reminded my daughter she needs to zip or button jackets and sweaters at the top so that they don’t fall off and make a mess. I reorganized their toys into the toy hammick and gave my kids their own trash can in their room so that the old school papers will no longer end up crammed into the closet.

laundry before

As for the household chore…it was a doosey! The past two weeks have been insanely busy in our house and I got way backed up on laundry folding and putting away.

Feel free to judge…LOL. Yes this is my laundry pile. All the clothes are clean, they simply needed to be folded and put away! Normally I have a laundry basket holder/organizer with labeled baskets for each person in the house. However, with the craziness of our lives I managed to wash all our clothes but not get anything sorted, folded or put away.

laundry during

My first task was to sort all of the clothes into each persons own laundry basket.

laundry sort

Next was putting each persons clothes into their own basket. Since my three oldest kids are capable of folding and putting away their own clothes (and I got tired of folding clothes just for them to drop them on the way to their drawers), my kids simply take their basket of unfolded clothes to their rooms and fold and put away there.

laundry giveaway laundry socks

I created one bin of JUST socks which is my kids job! As well as one bag full of clothes and items that can be put away for the season, are too small or need to be donated!

laundry nyomi laundry maiya
laundry kyron laundry jadyn

Then when they are done they bring their baskets back to the laundry tower. Which is normally where as clothes come out of the dryer I sort the clothing, right into each persons own basket. Then each day they are responsible for checking their baskets to put away any clothing waiting for them.

This laundry basket holder and sorter is seriously AMAZING I love it soooo much! Best laundry device ever!!!!


Viola! Laundry DONE! Thank You JESUS!!!

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