HOT Printables,  Walgreens

Super HOT Rare High Value Printable Coupon for Mars Candy Products + Tons of Scenarios!!!

HURRY and print this $1.50 coupon for any 9.4 oz Mars product! I would print this coupon FAST because it is a super rare-high value coupon! It will not last long…go HERE now!!!
***This coupon has Walmarts logo but can be used anywhere, because it is a manufacture coupon!

Here are some possible scenarios:

***Fred Meyer Deal Scenario***

Hershey’s M&M’s, Mars or Nestle Fun Size Candy, 3/$7
w/in-ad coupon, (limit 6)
Use $2 off any $5 candy purchase at Kroger store
and Use (3) 
$1.50 coupon for any 9.4 oz Mars product
Final Cost:  $0.50 for all 3 bags!

***Safeway Deal Scenario***

Mars Snack Size candy, $2.00
(Must buy 4 to get this deal) 
Use (4) $1.50 coupon for any 9.4 oz Mars product 
Final Cost: $2 or only $0.50 a bag!

***Walgreens Deal Scenario***

Mars Fun Size bags (9-12.5 oz) $1.99
w/in-ad coupon
Use $1.50 coupon for any 9.4 oz Mars product
Final Cost: $0.49 each

Don’t forget to go HERE and Join us on Facebook!!!  


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