SaveMore: SWEET Deal on Halloween Costumes and Accessories!
Check out this deal! Perfect timing for Halloween! We don’t “celebrate” Halloween…but my kids still love to dress up and go to out churches Harvest Festival! SaveMore has a great deal for $30 worth of Halloween costumes and accessories for only $15!!! Features Shop Halloween costumes, decorations, party supplies and more Wide selection No-hassle shopping experience Don’t forget to go HERE and Join us on Facebook!!!
Target Match Ups 9/25-10/1
Have you signed up for new Target Moblie Coupons Yet? Sign up for mobile coupons from Target HERE. Target coupons are redeemed as store coupons by scanning the barcode image on your phone. PLUS Mobile coupons may be stacked with manufacturer coupons!! Gerber Graduates Lil Meals, $0.99 Use $0.55/1 Gerber Graduates Pasta Pick-Ups or Lil’ Meals Final Cost: $0.44 Gerber Graduates Pasta Pickups, $1.39 Use $0.55/1 Gerber Graduates Pasta Pick-Ups or Lil’ Meals Final Cost: $0.84 Horizon Organic Milk 64 oz, $3.00 Use $1/2 Horizon Organic Milk Final Cost: $2.50 Hormel Natural Choice Lunchmeat 6-8 oz, $3.50 Use $0.50/1 Hormel Natural Choice Deli Sandwich Meat or $0.50/1 Hormel Natural Choice Deli Sandwich Meat Final Cost: $1.83 Orbit…
My little secrets on how to save money on groceries….other than simply couponing!
I went shopping with a friend the other day and about midway through our trip I realized that there are so many ways I go about saving money on groceries/meals other than simply couponing! After a little thought…I decided I would love to share with you all a few of my “little secrets”
Grow your own produce! I try my hardest to grow at least 60% of the produce we will use for the summer…as well as the ingredients for the items I like to can. Seeds only cost about $1-3 a packet and each packet lasts about 2 years! That is total money saving madness right there!!!…
Meal Plan for Friday September 23rd: Free for All or Sauteed Clams in a White Wine and Butter Sauce
Friday September 23rd: Free for All or Sauteed Clams in a White Wine and Butter Sauce Ingredients: 2-3 dozon Venus Clams 2 cup White Wine 1 can Chicken broth 1/2 cup water 3/4 cup Butter White Sugar 4 cloves diced garlic 1 tbsp finely diced Fresh Oregano or cilantro 1 small lemon, sliced into wheels Baguette Bread Directions: Soak Clams in a pot with water for approx. 5 min. In a Dutch oven add wine, chicken broth, water, butter and clams; bring to a boil. Let add sugar, lemon, oregano/cilantro, and garlic. Let boil until all clams have opened, approximately 10 minutes. Serve with baguette bread on the side (for…
Meal Plan Thursday September 22nd: Chicken Lettuce Wrap
Thursday September 22nd: Chicken Lettuce Wrap Ingredients: 1 head of Iceberg Lettuce 3 cups Chicken (chopped very small) 1 cup carrots, diced very small 1 cup onions, diced very small 1 cup Soy Sauce 1/4 cup Brown Sugar 3 cloves garlic, minced Salt and pepper pinch of red pepper flakes (optional) 2 cups White Rice 4 cups water Directions: Make rice in your rice cooker. Chop chicken, carrots and onions (all the same size) and place into separate bowls. Saute chicken with 1/2 cup soy sauce, minced garlic, salt, pepper, and onions. Once chicken is white on all sides (about half way cooked through) add carrots and the remaining soy…
High Value Post It Coupon!
I am loving Coupons.com this week! There are so many EXCELLENT coupons to print
Here’s another one for you! $2 off $5 or more purchase of any Post It Pop-up Note Dispenser Don’t forget to go HERE and Join us on Facebook!!!
Albertsons Match Ups 9/21 thru 9/27: Round Up Deals!
Albertsons is doing something new this week! They are rounding all manufacture coupons valued at $0.25-$0.99 will be automatically rounded up to $1.00. There will be NO LIMIT to how many coupons can be rounded in one transaction. Plus ALL coupons will be ROUNDED UP for the WHOLE WEEK! That’s right all week and no extra paper coupons!!! Meat and Produce: Peaches, $0.88/lb Russet Potatoes (5 lb bag), $1.49 each Albertsons Whole Fryer, $0.79/lb Coho Salmon Fillets, $5.99/lb Old El Paso Refried Beans, $1.49 $0.50/1 Old El Paso Product, exp. 11/12/11 (SS 09/18/11) $0.50/1 Old El Paso Product, exp. 10/1/11 (SS 08/07/11) $0.60/3 Old El Paso Product printable Final…
HOT Sally Hansen Beauty Tools Printable +Target Scenario (FREE!)
*** Deal Target Scenario*** Sally Hansen Treat Your Toes Clippers, $1.99 $1/1 Sally Hansen Beauty Tools and Use $1/1 Sally Hansen Target Coupon Final Cost: FREE Thanks Queen Bee! Don’t forget to go HERE and Join us on Facebook!!!
Whole Foods: FREE Gluten free pasta!!!
DeBoles gluten free Pasta (8 oz), on sale $1.50 (thru 9/27) Use $1/1 Whole Foods coupon or here or “Whole Deal” flyer in the store and Use $1/1 DeBoles Coupon Final Cost: FREE Thanks Frugal Living!
The Budget Bandit (aka Angelique Campbell) will be on Rachael Ray Today at 3pm (local time)
Yep!!! It’s true!!! Catch another glimpse of The Budget Bandit TODAY on the Rachael Ray show! It will be on at 3pm on channel 7 (Seattle Locals)! If you are not in the Seattle area go here and see the your local time and channel! Don’t forget to go HERE and Join us on Facebook!!!