Grab a 11×14 Canvas for only $15 through Canvas People! And they will donate $1 towards the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Research!!!
WOW! Here is a deal that will not only benefit you but will also go towards an AMAZING cause….grab a your 11 x 14 canvasfor $15 (just pay S&H) and Canvas People will donate $1 for every canvas purchased to Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Wow if you weren’t already excited by this deal (I was!!!) now you can be double excited!!! I am all over this awesome deal…I was already planning on ordering a few canvas’s for my daughters room for her Christmas present…now I can do that and contribute towards treating/curing breast cancer
FREE wash, cut & style from ULTA with a $10 Breast Cancer Research Donation: October 16th only!
On Sunday October 16th, Ulta Hair Salon is offering a FREE Shampoo, Cut & Style when you donate $10.00 to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation!
This offer is valid for walk-ins, on a first come, first served basis. For more information go HERE. Plus now thru Saturday you can get FREE Cosmetic bag when you donate $10 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation or a FREE Coffee Mug when you donate $5. And to sweeten the deal even more ULTA is offering FREE shipping on orders $25 or more!!! Don’t forget to go HERE and Join us on Facebook!!! Thanks KCL!