• Catalinas

    Updated: Albertsons Catalina List

      Albertsons Catalina Lists Catalina’s are coupon machines, located at the register, that print out coupons that may be used on a future purchase. All purchases must be made in the same transaction. Some Catalina coupons are advertised. Please let me know if unconfirmed or unadvertised Catalinas work for you. Marie’s Dressing (9/5-10/2) Buy 2 and Receive a $2.00 Catalina  Kotex Products, excluding U by Kotex (9/9-10/2) Buy 2 and Receive a $2.00 Catalina  Buy 3 and Receive a $2.50 Catalina  Nescafe Clasico (between 9/9-10/2) Buy 2 and Receive $2.00 Catalina  Buy 3 and Receive a $3.00 Catalina  Buy 4 and Receive a $4.00 Catalina Post Pebbles Cereal and Treats (9/9-10/3) Buy…

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