Online Deals,  Target

Target: Sweater boots only $9 or Merona Women’s Chino Pants only $8.24 + FREE Shipping!!!! Hurry these deals will go fast! (Today Only!)

Hurry over to! If you buy 3 or more of the items listed for Today’s Daily Deal you’ll receive an additional 25% off during checkout OR you can buy 2 items and receive an additional 15%!! Women’s Xhilaration Krissy Sweater Boots are priced at only $12 (marked down from $29.99) Buy 3 pairs of boots for only $27.00 with the discount + FREE shipping… or $9.00 a pair shipped!


Or you can do the same type of deal scenario with  Merona Women’s Ultimate Chino Pants  for only $10.99 (marked down from $19.99)! Buy 3 pair and pay only $24.73 or $8.24 each + FREE shipping

Remember these deals are only good for TODAY ONLY and sell out fast so HURRY!!!

***Remember you can also save more through or Ebates…with an additional 3% cash back!

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