
The secrets out…life has brought me and my family some MAJOR changes!

Well you may have noticed that I have not been very active the past couple of weeks on my blog…I am very very sorry. I have been going through some MAJOR life changes! First I have been put on bed rest and have been overly tired and have found blogging a bit difficult..but then I found out that I husband received a job in Kansas! With me unable to work now we couldn’t really see any other options but to take the job and pack up and move…my doctor told me if we wanted to go we needed to go ASAP. So we packed our entire house and moved in 1 week!

We are now located in Olathe Kansas and staying with some friends until we can find a place to live. I am still trying to maintain bedrest and keep my precious little baby boy in my tummy for at least another 5-6 weeks. I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and am praying for God’s grace for the remainder of this pregnancy.

I should be able to catch up and maintain my blog much better now that we are settling down now…I plan on still doing match ups for the stores in the northwest where I started my blogging as well as including a few new stores such as Hy Vee, Hen House, and CVS. Wish me luck!!!!


Tomorrow I am gonna give you a little peak at my moving experience and how I managed to move most of my stockpile across country!!!

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