This weeks Sunday Coupon Preview is HOT!!! Make sure to get ready…cause we are getting 6 inserts this weekend!!!
Get ready….make sure your clipping scissors are sharp…your binder is cleaned out (or if you are just starting…get that binder now!) because we are getting 6 coupon inserts this Sunday!!! That’s right we will be getting 3 SmartSource inserts, 2 Redplum inserts and a Target insert!!! WOWZERS!
To see what coupons we will be getting this weekend go HERE!!
Anyone who has debated couponing in the past….well now is the time to do it!!!
****If you are not yet organized for your couponing you might want to head on over to Amazon and ordered Baseball Card Sleeves and a Zipper Case It Binder
…they are the best price online and with this weekends MASSIVE inserts you will need them for sure!!!