To all of the “Little” People Affected by the Ashley Madison Hack
I NEVER talk about the trendy “news” happening in the world. I stay away from talking politics. I do talk about being a Christian, but this is different – I just feel like I need to do a quick vent as to my feelings on all the hype about the Ashley Madison hack.
However, can I say that I find it interesting how everyone is all in an uproar about the Ashley Madison hack and how it has affected the Duggars or Sam and Nia. But come on, why are we capitalizing on the pain of those who are obviously hurting as they are being pulled apart by the media. But no one is thinking about those who are NOT being talked about.
What about the 1000’s of families that are hurting because they have recently discovered the love of their life, their spouse, their other side – has had an Ashley Madison account. Oh how my heart hurts for every single family going through so much pain and destruction in their marriages. Sure my heart goes out to the Duggars, Sam and Nia. But it also goes out to every single family out there dealing with the repercussions of this “hack”.
Now I really want to go a little further – so obviously we are all disgusted and upset about those poor families who have learned they are married to a cheater. But I am the most angry with the fact there is even a website promoting such horrible, disgusting behavior! What has this world come to? More than anything, I desperately wish there were a way to shut that horrific, disgusting, nasty, sinful site DOWN!
I know people are born sinful by nature. I know God forgives. I know a cheater is going to find a way to cheat. But seriously do we have to encourage these sinful (disgusting) behaviors with websites like this? DISGUSTING! Ashley Madison just needs to be SHUT DOWN!
One last thought. Let’s pray for our nation through all of these horrible situations that are being brought to our attention. You do not have to be a Christian to know that molestation, cheating and lying are all wrong. And Christians cannot just fall back on “God forgives” as an excuse to do wrong things. Because a true God following Christian knows God personally and knows that their direct actions result and making the Lord happy and/or sad. They don’t “choose” to make horrible choices because they can fall back on forgiveness. I am not saying God will not forgive them…but forgiveness is no excuse to do disgusting behavior. Take ownership of your actions. Don’t just ask for forgiveness because your sins have been exposed to the world. Get help! If you are truly sorry for the mistakes you have made, own up to them, ask those who were affected for forgiveness and GET HELP! Bottom line how you react, behave and move forward speaks louder than words.
I pray that our country will not take these horrible situations and use it against Christianity. Our nation was build on solid Christ based principles and it needs to continue to stand on those and those alone!