
Tomorrow is Tax Day….get those taxes done for FREE with TaxAct or Turbo Tax!


There is not much time left to get those taxes done….In fact the last chance you have to file with out penalties is tomorrow April 15th!!!

Here is what I have ALWAYS done (and yes it takes a little more time but it is time well spent)!!!

Each year I fill out my tax information for both Turbo Tax and for TaxAct…I make sure to input all the information I can find that I qualify for…then I see which company is going to give me the most money back!!! So far I have pretty much always gotten the most back from TaxAct…but after a little discussion with a reader…I found that she had better luck with Turbo Tax…so I guess it is just up to each person and their circumstances!

So my recommendation…sign up for BOTH…and then see which one will serve you better!!! Just click on the images above!!!


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