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topclassaction wants to put money back in your pocket! If you are a coupon clipper, you could be claiming money from open class action settlements. Both are easy ways to get money back in your wallet. The only difference is that coupon clipping saves you money at the store while submitting claims for class action settlements gets cash in your pocket after you’ve purchased products.

Consumers all over the country scour coupons. What most people who clip coupons don’t know is that these same manufacturers who put out the coupons oftentimes participate in class action lawsuit settlements. Class action lawsuit settlements help get you cash back months, or years, after you’ve purchased the things you need with manufacturer coupons.

Head over to the Top Class Actions’ Open Settlements section to see what you can claim. Also, sign up for the free newsletter to learn about the latest settlements every week.

Top Class Actions, voted the #1 blog for mass tort and consumer news by readers of the American Bar Association’s ABA Journal, reports on every consumer class action lawsuit and settlement it can find. The website is 100 percent free for consumers.

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