
Walmart Match Ups 7/3: Free Oral B Toothbrushes, Cheap Benadryl, Cheap Gerber and Free Cascade!!!

Oral B Indicator Toothbrushes (limit 4)
Price match the Walgreens ad to: 2 for $2.00
Use $2/1 Oral-B Pulsar, CrossAction, Advantage or 2 Indicator or Cavity Defense Manual Toothbrushes (P&G 7/3, expires 7/31)

 Cascade Complete Trial Size 3 pacs, $0.97
$1/1 Cascade Products (P&G 7/3, expires 7/31)
Totol OOP: FREE plus $0.03 OVERAGE!

Oral B Essentials Floss 55 yrds. $0.97
$0.75/1 Oral-B Floss or Floss Picks (P&G 7/3, expires 7/31)
$0.75/1 Oral-B Floss or Glide Floss Picks (P&G 6/5, expires 7/31)
Total OOP: $0.22

Oral B Advantage Toothbrush, $2.54
$2/1 Oral-B Pulsar, CrossAction, Advantage or 2 Indicator or Cavity Defense Manual Toothbrushes (P&G 7/3, expires 7/31)
B1G1 Oral-B CrossAction Manual Toothbrush (P&G 6/5, expires 7/31)
Total OOP: $0.54

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Veggie Pasta, $1.22
$0.75/1 Kraft Mac & Cheese Dinner Veggie Pasta (IE)  Printable (FF)
Total OOP: $0.47

Gerber Graduates Lil’ Entrees, $1.78 (on Rollback)
$1/1 Gerber Lil’ Entrees printable
Total OOP: $0.78 

Gerber Puffs, $1.98 (on Rollback)
$1/2 Gerber Puffs printable
Total OOP: $1.48 

Benadryl Itch Relief Stick, $2.28
$1/1 Benadryl Topical Product printable

$2/1 Benadryl Topical Product (RP 6/19, expires 12/12)
Total OPP: as low as $0.28


  • thebudgetbandit

    It is when you take an ad from another store and ask the cashier to match the price of a specific item…for example…say Oral B toothbrushes are on sale at Walgreens for $2.00 (advertised in their weekly ad, with a photo and specific details on the item) you can then go find the EXACT item at Walmart and take the ad and the item to any cashier and ask them to price match the item for you. This makes it so that you can possibly have better luck getting the item since Walmart restocks daily and the Walgreens Warehouse (or other pharmacies) have a limited amount of products they send to their stores.

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