HOT Printables,  Target

WOWZERS! Check out all the awesome Target mobile coupons + new text codes to get even more coupons!

target mobile coupon

Target just released some NEW mobile coupons!!! If you don’t already receive mobile coupons just go HERE and sign up to receive coupons and alerts via text to your mobile phone. Once you receive the coupons you can just have the cashier scan your phone and the coupons will come off your purchase!!! Super easy and no clipping involved :)

PLUS there are several “codes” you can text to 827438 to receive even MORE money saving coupons for Target….I did this yesterday and got a TON of groceries and necessities for FREE!!!

Text these codes (separately)…

  • SPRING – You will get $1 off fresh fruit…makes 4 bananas free…as well as $1 off fresh veggies…I got an avocado for $0.19!!!
  • UPUP – You will get $0.75/1 Up & Up Paper Towel coupon which means you can score a single roll for FREE!!!
  • FRESH – You will get another $1 off fresh fruit, $1 off fresh veggies, $1 off bread, any brand, $1 off Market Pantry…and tons more!!!
  • BABY – You will get several baby product coupons

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