
YAY!!! You ready for a FREE Binder? It’s time!!!!

*** This is not a picture of the actual binder…but similar to the one I am giving away!!!

Ok so for this giveaway I am doing a little something different. If you want to be entered to win a FREE coupon binder included with 5 of each this weeks inserts (that’s a total of 20 coupon inserts!!!!) All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and tell me why you love couponing! I will be announcing the winner by 9pm tomorrow (Sept 30th) So make sure to post your comments NOW!!!

Make sure to invite your Facebook friends to “like” The Budget Bandit as well and when we get to 1,500 Facebook Fans we will be doing another Binder Giveaway as well as 2 Gift Card Give Aways!!!

***Make sure to post your comments HERE on this post…NOT on Facebook (comments made on Facebook will not be entered in this giveaway…sorry)


  • jennifer amormino

    i just become under hard times. i cant even feed my family. 🙁 so i have turned to couponing to save my family. my children love helping look though the papers (son 5 daughter 3) i need a way to organize. i have just started. and i have no clue where to go from here.

  • DelaRae Walker

    I love couponing because it allows me to contribute to the needs of my family monetarily while being a stay at home mom! 🙂

  • DEE

    I LOVE COUPONING because I am finally seeing a light @ the end of the tunnel with being able to Purchase items I would’ve walked right passed in the store b4 because we could afford them. CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP COUPONING, EVERRRRRRRR! lol

  • pascuala infante

    I am not the average 18 year old because I love couponing. While other 18 year olds are out partying or shopping for clothes I’m shopping for savings. I love to coupon because I live in a household of 9 and am below poverty and coupons help make sure my family and I have plenty of food to feed us every month at a low cost. I am still a beginer and still do not own a coupon binder so winning this coupon binder would help out even more and allow me to save even more.

  • Jennifer

    I LOVE couponing because not only do I SAVE money & sanity by not having a heart attack at the grocery bill, but this is something I can help others with. Someone needs some juice? I’m on it! Let me take my coupon skills & stock that person up with juice! I can also be a blessing & show someone how to coupon. Biggest thing when I coupon- do not clear off a store shelf or take more than I need, use, or will stockpile a little of. Thanks for teaching me Angelique!

  • Roxy444

    Why I love couponing? I am a frugal person (always have) who loves saving money. I first started using coupons over 10 years ago, when I was new to this country and barely making ends meet. Even though my finances have improved drastically I still do believe that using coupons is a great way of saving yourself money, AND – helping others. Since my stockpile is quite decent these days, now when I shop I also think about others (I think some people are going to be very happy with their unexpected Christmas gifts this year!). I will never be an extreme couponer (in other words someone who only buys things with coupons) mainly because I eat healthy, organic foods, and there are not that many coupons for those items. But when I know that I just saved myself bunch of money on toiletries, I am ok with spending a little extra on fresh, organic produce. Balance is the key. 🙂

  • tierra

    i love couponing because it is such a good way to save my family money and be able to give back by giving what i won’t use to those who need it the most

  • regina Montgomery

    I havee three teenagers. That should be reason enough to coupon. Add in the fact that myself my husband and my mother who lives with us all started back to college this fall. If we have it….we couponed it.

  • Kim

    Ohhh, pick me!! I absolutely love your site!!!! Couponing keeps me going. I go to bed thinking about it and wake up the same way. A new binder is something to dream about tonight! My 6 year old is in training and a great coupon hunter!!!

  • Teresa

    I am a newbie couponer and I am loving it because we dont have a lot of money right now and its making me feel like I am doing my part to help our family 😉

  • Maurene

    I love couponing because I love saving money. I get all excited when I get a deal on something. It’s like a rush!

  • lisa haught

    I love couponing because: when I was a kid we rarely had money for food, heat, clothes, etc. Since I have started couponing I have saved enough money to get my kids the things I was never able to have. I got my daughter new school shoes, and a new jacket. My son is still in diapers, but with coupons the cost of diapers does not break us. We were able to buy him new shoes too! Its nice to be able to go to the grocery, come home with everything we want/need, and still have money for bills, gas, etc. Its a very satisfying feeling to keep my family happy, and healthy.

  • Sara Passini

    Why I love Couponing:
    I have always loved to use coupons…my motto is their is no reason to ever have to pay full price for anything…their is almost always a coupon out their to help you save a little something. I graduated from college 2 yrs. ago, and I have not yet found a job, I have been working part time as a server, most weeks not averging even 20 hrs. and struggling to make minimum wage some days. With all the extra time I have had, couponing has been my new favorite past time. I have been spending more and more time checking couponing websites, studying what the coupons will be, and the weekly sales flyers, and have learned so much more about couponing then I could of ever imagined. In a way I have seen not finding a job post college a blessing in disquise because of how much more I have learned about couponing, and have been saving more then ever while living on a tight budget.

  • Kimberly Van Gorder

    YAY… a freebie! I love COUPONING because I love saving money… and it makes shopping more enjoyable and less stressful! 🙂

  • Chris Markle

    Your website is AMAZING… I love paying less than those who do not take pleasure in saving money by COUPONING (like myself)!

  • Carolyn sands

    I recently got laud off do to lack of work and I could reallllllly use the help. I love saving. I just wish they had double coupons in fl! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Nicola

    I have always been frugal and look for the bargains but I will never pay full price for anything again! We have saved so much money because of couponing and by now opening our eyes and seeing the MANY resources that truly are at our fingertips to utilize! Not only has couponing been amazing for our family but we are also learning other ways to save money such as buying and freezing veggies and fruit by season so we can enjoy them through out the year at the seasonal cost and are not paying an arm and a leg! I love coupons and will never stop couponing! Thank you Budget Bandit, you rock!!!! I wanna win a free binder!!!!! Woo hoo!

  • Nicole Junkin

    I really want to begin couponing and this would defiantly help, Lol and instructions on how to get the best deals..

  • Christa

    I am a single mother. I am also in the military and bartend/serve part time to help supplement my income. I have been trying to get into couponing but don’t know where to start. I really want to stretch every dollar to ensure my family gets everything they need.

  • Tanya Fitcher

    Where do I start…I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Couponing for a few simple reasons. I have a family of six. My 3 kids my MIL my husband and I. We have been living of one income making ends meet difficult. I am able to go into a store and spend 1/2 of what the average consumer spends by watching sales and cutting coupons. Do I call myself extreme. Not in the same sense of that horrible unrealistic tv show, but extremely wise, extremely frugal and extremely excited when I can help my family survive in this world where budgets are just so tight everywhere.

  • Kristin Gelinas

    ‎50 cents or less…but free is the best♥ looove it!

    I’d love to get a binder and inserts, i’m so sick of my coupons falling out 🙁

  • candy thomas

    I love to coupon not only for the thrill of free stuff but it helps me relax. When it is just me and my inserts with a pair of scissors nothing is better. Keeps me calm and helps with the panic attacks.

  • Jamie Smith

    I’m not a newbie to couponing, since I was raised clipping them, but I am a new to extreme couponing! I love the feeling of giving to others, the way I was given to growing up by a single parent. I would love to learn more and win a binder so that do some extreme couponing to donate items. I check your website everyday- it’s really exciting! 🙂 Thank you!

  • shawna

    I love to save money. I love that I am able to stay home with my kids for another couple years due to the savings. I love that I am now buying the things that my kids always asked for but I wouldn’t buy before due to the cost. I also think that it has passed up being a hobby or out of necessity, now it an ADDICTION!!

  • christina honeycutt

    I have just started couponing and hope to save lots of money…this will help me get organized if I win!

  • Erika edwards

    I LOVE LOVE couponing because it allows me to save money, stock up, and spend time at home with my kiddo!! Since i am able to save , i don’t have to find other means of making money!!!! so no extra job= stay at home mom!

  • Jo Matel

    I Love couponing! I have been able to save so much for my wedding and just starting to work on a little stockpile, I have been able to help some of my friends who have fallen on really tough times, I have been able to give them staples that help them get through to the next week with groceries! I would love a binder so I can help them even more! 🙂

  • kelly marlowe


  • Aletha

    I love couponing because it saves me a whole bunch of money. The feeling of getting stuff most people would pay full price to get for little or nothing kind of makes you feel like an “insider.” Couponing has become a hobby for me and my only sister now that we are grown with kids and husbands of our own. We get together to scout,plan, sort, and shop! We constantly look for good deals and coupons and text or call each other just to discuss it. Couponing has definately brought me and my sister closer together with a hobby we both enjoyed. We have a platic bin we put our collection of coupons in but we REALLY need a binder to get better organized!

  • Donna Magoon

    *** I would love to win this contest!
    There are so many reasons why I love to coupon butof course, I love to save money<3 not only am I able to get items for my family but also I love to give back to the community. Couponing gives me the tools to do so. I think more people should coupon, boy does it feel great when i am able to give goods to others (WHICH COST ME NO MONEY)

    I love being a savvy couponer!

  • Calleen Kampahus

    I coupon because my husband and I hope to be able to save enough money to do so much needed househould repairs and then hopefully we will be able to adopt.

  • kyla

    First and foremost I love saving money! We don’t have a lot and any penny saved helps. I love the thrill of finding a good sale and finding awesome coupons. I’m pretty new to couponing and I love learning all the tips, tricks and advice from people who know how to do it up right 😉

  • Brittany

    I would love this binder because I am new to couponing and desperately need one!! My husband is in the army and im pregnant with our first child, so couponing is a MUST!

  • Ann

    I love couponing because I love getting a good deal! I figure, the less I spend on essentials like toothpaste, deodorant, etc., the more I can spend on things that I really would like to have…like an iPad!

  • Shannon Thomsen

    My eight year old son used to ask me for everything in the store, and pout if he didn’t get it. Now he comparison shops, looks for sales, and can spot a coupon before I can. He gets so excited when we get a really good deal . I love it that my children are learning to be smart with money.

  • Dawnette Patrick

    I would love to win the binder and inserts!!! I coupon as a way to be able to help the less fortunant in my community since I don’t have money to give. I give to the food bank, animal shelter, and schools weekly. This would benefit them greatly!!! Thanks Budget Bandit for that you do to help us (me & my community with the blogs for free & cheap stuff).

  • Meredith mangum

    My husband and I are a crazy coupon family. It’s a hobby for us. We are planning to use the money we save for a family vacation!!!

  • The Budget Bandit

    I am loving hearing everyone’s stories…wish I got this many comments all of the time!!! It’s so inspiring!!! Thank you all for such kind words!

    You are all an inspiration to me! Keep up the crazy couponing and God bless each and every one of you!

  • Becky Riley

    I coupon because it allows me to feed my family well and still be able to give my kids everything they need! 🙂

  • Celexa

    I love couponing because I love to help people. I send boxes containing basic necessities like toothbrush, toothpaste,soap, shampoo and canned goods to 3rd world countries. It really means so much to them and I am happy that I make a big difference by couponing.

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