5 Tips For Living With Bladder Leakage (and staying active for busy moms!)
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Depend. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
As many of you know I am a busy mom of four beautiful kiddos. But having those 4 kids, has changed me in more ways than one. More specifically it has changed my bladder for life. If you are a mom you can relate I am sure – now every time I run, jump, skip, sneeze, even yell I have to deal with a little bit of leakage. It is not only annoying but it is embarrassing. Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs have really been a fantastic solution for me. It is not a bulky diaper or annoying pad, but rather a thin and comfortable protection for the 51 million women who experience bladder leakage just like me.
I know no one wants to talk about it…it’s embarrassing, annoying and just plain DUMB! But it’s life so here’s the deal if you struggle with the same problem as me and a majority of women between 20-50 years of age do – try out the new Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs. They are the perfect solution for us mom’s who want to stay active, hustling after our kids, exercising, running round cleaning the house and all of the other busy mom things we do. No more missing out on the fun stuff and worrying about bladder leakage. Be confident in your “new undies” and live your life!
The new Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs have a lower rise for a more natural underwear look and feel. They are also now available in black and beige so no one will know you are wearing anything but undies. Remember you are not in this alone, I am right there with you, along with 1 in 3 women in America. It’s not something to be embarrassed about it’s just a part of life, for some people it’s a result of pregnancies, diabetes or childbirth. It’s life so run with it, embrace it and stay active!
The Depend brand is encouraging people to show their support for women with bladder leakage. For every photo and video shared using #Underwareness, the Depend brand will donate $1, up to $3 million, through 2016 to fund charities that advance the research and education of bladder leakage! That’s awesome! Maybe in the future they will have more answers for ways to prevent bladder leakage all together! Join the movement and request a FREE SAMPLE of Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs at www.Underwareness.com – I did, now it’s your turn!
5 Tips For Living with Bladder Leakage (and Staying Active)
- Drink more water. Yes I know it seems like if your bladder is leaking you would want to keep it empty. But that is the absolute opposite. If you don’t drink enough water your urine becomes concentrated and will cause bladder problems. (Also stay clear of caffeine and alcohol they really do a work on your bladder!)
- Empty your bladder regularly. Don’t wait until you “feel” like you need to pee. Simply plan on emptying your bladder hourly (or as often as possible).
- Do Pelvic Exercises. That’s right do those Kegels! Try to do 10 every night before bed. Simply tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold for the count of 10 and then release.
- Exercise. Try some low impact exercises like swimming or biking. Exercise can lead to raising healthy endorphins and thus reducing stress related leakage.
- Maintain a healthy weight. Your weight can play a HUGE roll in your bladder leakage issues. My doctor told me that losing as little as 10 lbs can reduce leakage problems as much as 50%!
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