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Homemade Candy Corn Recipe

candy corn 2 lcm

Everything homemade is better! Well at least that is my motto! I love cooking, baking and creating from home. Even more so my kids love helping me recreate our favorite things. One of my most favorite treats has always been candy corn. With the Fall season quickly approaching and Halloween just around the corner, why not whip up some Homemade Candy Corns to decorate, eat and enjoy?!?

candy corn 1 lcm

I was really quite shocked by how easy making candy corn really is. I was able to do the first part with all of the cooking and then have my kids join me in cutting and shaping the candies. They loved it. Even better we all LOVED the flavor of these little sugary candies. They tasted just as good if not a little better than the store bought ones!


  • 2½ cups powdered sugar
  • ⅓ cup powdered milk
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup white granulated sugar
  • ⅔ cup light corn syrup
  • ⅓ cup butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • Orange and Yellow Food Coloring


  1. In a large bowl, combine powdered sugar, salt and powdered milk. Mix dry ingredients well.
  2. On medium/high heat add sugar, butter and corn syrup and bring to a boil. (Make sure to use a medium/large sauce pan to leave boil room.)
  3. Boil for 3-4 minutes or until a candy thermometer reads 230 degrees. Make sure to stir constantly while mixture is boiling. If need be to control the boiling candy, turn down the heat.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla.
  5. Add hot sugar mixture to the dry ingredients in step 1. Using a heavy duty spatula or spoon, stir all ingredients together.
  6. Place candy on silicone mat (wax paper did not work for me). Allow mixture to cool enough to be handled.
  7. Divide into 3 equal parts and add orange and yellow food colorings to their own parts. Using your hands, fold the food coloring into the candy mixture until completely mixed.candy corn
  8. Roll each colored piece into long ropes. Gently press ropes together, with orange in the middle and then flatten slightly with your hands.
  9. Using a sharp knife, cut into triangular pieces. We spent a second or two extra on each piece and shaped them a bit more to really make them “look” like the store bought candy corns.

candy corn 3


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